Advertise on MasterTorque

Make your presence on a fast-growing and influential motoring publication.

MasterTorque has between 6 000 and 9 000 views per month and a growth rate of 5%.

Choose from a range of advertising and marketing opportunities. These include adverts on the site, social media campaigns, advertorials, a presence in the newsletter and partnerships at conferences.


Our visitors come from the LSM 7 to 10 group. The readership includes both men and women from a wide variety of age groups. Visitors are primarily South African (75%) while there are also readers in USA, India, UK, Germany, Canada and Kenya.


The rates depend on your specific needs. Please contact us by completing the form below and we can formulate an advertising plan that meets those needs. As a new but fast-growing online publication you will benefit from both competitive rates and an ever-increasing audience in search of interesting and unique content.


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